Welcome back to Card Catalog where we are taking a look at TSR’s Star Frontiers from 1982. We already met the Captain last week, so this week we will work on making the Bodaz G’lunk’s…
This time through the Card Catalog, we are looking at Star Frontiers – the 1982 Space Opera and Science Fiction game from TSR that has never had the chance to meet it’s full potential. Despite…
Welcome back to card catalog where we continue with our 2018 look into science fiction games and setting! It was completely unintentional, but seems to be the recurring theme this year so we will just…
The last Wraith of the Circle was one I tried to touch upon the Heretical cults while staying grounded in the Hierarchy set up here. One of the things about Wraith was that the characters…
Originally, I had conceived of this character as really stuck in the Skinlands and all of her Arcanoi revolving around that as a Proctor, or a Wraith particularly skilled with Embody. When I was looking…
In designing this Circle for the Card Catalog, I knew I needed a character to give a little insight into Renegades and a recently deceased character. The Hierarchy may have come from a place that…
Linda Mary Johnson, the reborn Pardoner, could be my favorite of the characters for this Circle of Wraiths. One one hand, she is a subversion of existing tropes, but she also fills a distinct role…
Old Zebediah was one of the first three characters that popped into my head when thinking about a Wraith write up. He is a physically powerful and combat oriented character on paper but then has…
After our recent foray through Changeling: The Dreaming, I am going to extend our time in the 90s and the World of Darkness by looking at what is Zen’s favorite of the World of Darkness…
The last of the Changelings in our Oathcircle that is safeguarding the Uncovered Vale is Alexandra Phaedra, a Satyr with a history in this area who is louder and louder in her declamations of protecting…