Main Topic We talk about the points that help point to how to keep having fun. Even when you are doing all this extra work. GaM Collaborative Storytelling – Make sure the story you…
Main Topic We introduce a fill in co-host till we have Null back in the saddle. Today we sit down and talk about Player buy-in. How to get it and not abuse it. Stat…
Main Topic We get to work on setting atmosphere at the table and things to help with that. Lighting- Sounds- Scent- Stat Blocks Zendead- Hexennacht or Witchnight is a derelict ship that is…
Main Topic A few different ways to organize your Story elements in your game. Stat Blocks Zendead- Going to draw up a few other locations Joules- A sicky Joules gets a pass here. She…
Main Topic Zendead- Both physical and electronic based on what I am running. Physically I have a notebook and printout of whatever I am running for at the table. Electronically I use a few…
Main topic – Player types Stat blocks – Zendead Sand men A race of beings that feed on the souls and joy of people. The phrase of “Sleep with one eye open.” Is actually…