Main Topic The two topics are Micro Conflict and Succession of power. Micro Conflict Micro Conflicts are up close and personal.  These are times where the stakes are not high, but are personal. You can…

Main Topic So in the last show about this we touched on 4 Topics today we will be diving into 2 of them with a bit more detail. Discovery/Exploration: This is a classic example of…

Main Topic We talked about world building before, but now we will take the suggestion from you, our listeners, and look at how to create a campaign for your games.Before we dive too deep, we…

Main Topic Sometimes, you want to use a system for a setting that it wasn’t originally built for! How do you do it and what are the considerations to keep in mind? Focus first and…

Main Topic The world’s going digital, and while getting together with a group of friends in a living room, at a con, or at a game shop is still a great experience; getting together virtually…

Main Topic Romance can be kind of a third rail in gaming. Please remember that we are not medical or therapeutic professionals and that nothing we say should be taken as medical or therapeutic advice….

Main Topic We’ve danced around this for two years, so we may as well dive into it! The main divide in table top role playing games is between those that are crunch heavy and simulationist…

Main Topic The third main pillar of tabletop role playing games are games set in a modern setting.  This runs the gamut from Palladium’s simulationist war RPG RECON to Evil Hat’s Modern Fantasy based on…

Main Topic Science Fiction has been part of the RPG universe for decades and is an enduring and popular setting! There are numerous options out there from licensed to original, so how do you choose…

Main Topic Say “RPG” and most people first go to Fantasy as the setting. The first major RPG was Dungeons & Dragons, and it’s descendants continue to this day drawing inspiration directly from and often…