As we keep looking over the characters possible from the Marvel FASERIP system, we now turn to Mutant origins.  Akasha is a character that I didn’t have any inkling for before rolling up the random…

Normally, you look at the leaders first, but for this Card Catalog, as I am making one of each of the kinds of origins for the FASERIP system, I am just going to go down…

M’kal On’didLevel 6 Borais Ace Pilot Soldier After looking at Babylon 5, I wanted to see how else the d20 systems would handle a pilot in our 1 Pilot, 3 Ways write up.  The recent…

M’kal On’id- Level 6 Officer(Pilot)Babylon 5 – 2d Edition Faith Manages One of the reasons I choose Babylon 5 to revisit for a Pilot purpose is that it is one of the few class and…

Welcome back to Card Catalog! I know this is a little late and thank you for your patience. I am going to return to the idea of taking once concept through three different games like…

Welcome back to the Card Catalog series on Castle Falkenstein! If you have not read the round up of both the system and the setting herre on Seize the GM, please take a look here!…