Main Topic Zendead- Movie- The Titan on NetFlix. The earth is becoming impossible to live on and they need to start figuring out where they can send people in steps Titan. The moon of Jupiter…
Today the story of the Uplifts shall be what we are going to talk about. The story of the Uplifts is creation unlike any other in the Terrans creation of a new race. The companies…
Eclipse phase takes its deep and often detail oriented game into a second edition with a beautifully made 450+ book that visually evokes the post human setting and ethos of the game and its makers….
As we continue to describe the Metal Cobras, I knew I had to get one of the concepts bouncing around my head out – the Elven Diplomat. In stark opposition to Grythlit, Iopari is a…
Welcome back to the Card Catalog series on Castle Falkenstein! If you have not read the round up of both the system and the setting herre on Seize the GM, please take a look here!…