Main Topic   Guard-A-Manger Poetics, Aristotle – The definitive book that describes and details the components of narrative tradition and the importance with which to address them – it is the oldest piece of literary…

Main Topic Here is where we get to be Game-Mom and Game-Dad to tell you to take better care of yourselves! Long Term Gaming means taking better care of yourself and to have some over…

Main Topic Info on the Main Topic goes here. If you are the volunteering type, you may have been roped into volunteering to run games at a convention! Convention GMing is its own peculiar species…

Main Topic We live in a golden age of gaming where books are available forever and universally able to be found! Those of us from the dark ages where limited print runs and local stores…

Main Topic Sometimes, you lose a player, and not just a character from a game.  Someone at your table is not coming back because they moved away, can’t spend the time on gaming anymore, had…

Main Topic There comes a time in every campaign where the group must face a significant decision – do we jump editions? Game companies put out new editions and whether to change the edition you…

Main Topic NPCs are the bread and butter of GMs allowing us to flesh out a world and spur character development and interaction with our players. With that in mind, how do you go about…

Main Topic Every game has that moment – a player calls or texts and work, life, or just general malaise prevents them from making a game.  What do you do? What do you do?!  …