Main Topic Human monsters are pretty easy for people to make. Sort of. It is just take the things you find disturbing or deplorable and make the person do them. But creating a monster that…

Main Topic The old adage of location, location, location is not lost on us this time as we start talking about locations in your games. How do you make a location come alive? Each of…

Main Topic Have you had or do you have that player that seems to just sit there? That player that never seeks the spotlight? You may have yourself a reclusive player. Is this a problem…

Main Topic What happens when you take a genre and you twist it with something else? You get a new idea or a genre subversion. So what are the possible options I hear you ask?…

Main Topic The City with a capital C is it just a placeholder or can and should it be more in your games? If you are designing your city from scratch then it is usually…

Main Topic What is a pitch session and what is a session zero? Are they the same or are they different? Sometimes it is good to do them as separate sessions and other times it…

Main Topic So as with all things gaming and gaming adjacent we as GM’s are not perfect. I know it is shocking, but we make mistakes as well. Those mistakes could be in remembering the…

Main Topic Today we talk about the things we have done and the things we will be doing. What has gone well? What has gone … weller? Goals and hopes?  Dreams and despairs? Music is…

Main Topic Every so often we like to look at the books that a GM should have in their library to enhance their role as a storyteller.  Check out one of the previous installments linked…

Main Topic So if you have spent any time looking at gaming podcasts and this one is no different you have seen that they have Actual Plays or AP’s. So what is an AP and…