Main Topic Every game has that moment – a player calls or texts and work, life, or just general malaise prevents them from making a game. What do you do? What do you do?! …
Main Topic How do you know whether to jump into a setting you have never used before? What can you do to help you figure out if it is right for you? Know what…
Main Topic As GMs, you are asked to handle a lot of tasks to make the rest of the world come alive. While PCs have a lot on their shoulder to cover their characters, you…
Main Topic Role playing games are collaborative efforts with parts of the story the responsibility of the players as well as the GM. A temptation for a GM is to try to control the overall…
Main Topic What are good ways? What are bad ways? Good ways- Talk about them Run a one shot Have a player run a game that interests them Pick a game that plays to the…
Main Topic As we’ve been discussing, Horror as a theme can be played in a wide variety of genres. Accordingly, some of the more interesting questions are how to enable a horror game across different…
Main Topic Limits and dangers of Games? A lot of this goes first to knowing your players and them trusting you. Horror in ways other themes don’t requires that trust and that connection. To the…
Main Topic Joules is an expert in maintaining the mood and tone at a table through the non-game components – what do you at the table to keep the tone and mood in the game?…
Main Topic Horror games can run a gamut of options so first we have to define what we are talking about when we say “Horror.” Different styles of horror include Urban Fantasy Horror rooted…
Main Topic We will be discussing the ideas of Yes and, Yes but, and No. This trio of possible responses attempts to describe how a GM answers a player’s actions. The phrases are seen more…