Main Topic Consent can be a tricky thing if you are not careful.  We will try to help walk you through this very touchy subject. As well as throw some ideas on how to recover…

Main Topic One of the major genres of gaming, and to be honest storytelling in general, is the super hero story! This modern mythology of morality tales and sensationalist action has taken on a new…

Main Topic What makes for a compelling villain? Ask that question and you will get a few different answers. One thing that will come up time and again is a level of sympathy. Another is…

Main Topic This day we sat down and did some more crazy statblocks for you guys.  1st Theme – Kaiju 2nd Theme – Disco 3rd Theme – Carnivorous Cute 4th Theme – Hot Rods and…

Main Topic So today we wanted to do a GM Library for movies.  Zendead- Name of the Rose, Valerian and the City of 1000 Planets, Bright Joules- Brazil, City of Lost Children, The Fifth Element…

Main Topic After the fantastic interview with Jeffery W. Ingram from The Worldbuilders Anvil last week, Zen and GuardaManger dive into how to do some worldbuilding for science fiction!  Science Fiction versus Science Fantasy versus…

Main Topic The two topics are Micro Conflict and Succession of power. Micro Conflict Micro Conflicts are up close and personal.  These are times where the stakes are not high, but are personal. You can…

Main Topic So in the last show about this we touched on 4 Topics today we will be diving into 2 of them with a bit more detail. Discovery/Exploration: This is a classic example of…