Main Topic Today we will add another voice to the mix. Author of a book I shouted out in Episode 57, D.N. Frost. She is going to help up talk about what it means to…

Main Topic We are revisiting Worldbuilding which we talked about in Episode 57 and that will be gracing the blog soon with an ongoing series! Whether you do Top-Down, Bottom-Up, or thread the ever elusive…

Main Topic – Worldbuilding 101 Goals How to make sure that the campaign setting is immersive, rich, and engaging.  Creating a place where the story can happen that reflects not only the campaign theme but…

Moralis Gateway of Barakon Type: Large City (pop. 15000) Alignment: Lawful Neutral Rulers: The Gray Chair, The Red Chair, The White Chair Government: Triumvirate Notable NPC’s: Sandival, Keliva Borgola, Feldon Magivona Notable Locations: Market Square,…

Hallion Collegiate center Type: Large Town (pop. 5000) Alignment: Neutral Good Ruler: Dean of Schools Deliana Revelia Government: Pedocracy Notable NPC’s: Savion (street beggar), Felio Cativa, President Regulis Campalia Notable Locations: Blackstar (Bards college), Fodelia’s…

Kavala Edge of the frontier Type: Large Town (pop. 3,000) Alignment: Lawful Neutral Ruler: Councilwoman Sevial Rodea Government: Republic Notable NPC’s: Councilman Welea Basovia, Soothsayer, Hediona Cevia Notable Locations: Council Hall, Cemetery, Tomb-hunter Guildhall Adventure…

Dath “Lumberyard to Das” Type: Small Town (Pop. 500) Alignment: Chaotic Good Ruler: Mayor Candius Government: Elected Official Notable NPC’s: Sevion- Master Shipwright, Estevea, Kalvin- Bowyer of The Broken Arrow Notable Locations: The new Shipyards,…

Candoron “The Spires of the Protectorate” Type: Metropolis (50,000) Alignment: Neutral Good Ruler: Lady Regent Protector Galianus of House Thada beholden to the Empire of         Davius Government: Colonialist Hegemony Notable NPC’s: Lady Galianus, Sir Dofani,…

Barakon “Edge of the Empire” Alignment: Neutral Good Capital: Candoron (50,000) Notable Settlements: Moralis (15,000), Hallion (5,000), Kavala (3,000), Das (500),   Dath (500) Ruler:Lady Regent Protector Galianus of House Thada beholden to the Empire…