Collegiate center
Type: Large Town (pop. 5000)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ruler: Dean of Schools Deliana Revelia
Government: Pedocracy
Notable NPC’s: Savion (street beggar), Felio Cativa, President Regulis Campalia
Notable Locations: Blackstar (Bards college), Fodelia’s Stage, Copper University
Adventure Hooks/ Rumors: The Dean of Blackstar has died and can not be brought back or spoken to because he has become something other in the the afterlife.
The Archaeologist’s of one school are planning a trip to Bay Guard Island and need guards from the local things there.
Something is going on with the South Trade Road one in three shipments are getting to the town. Where is everything else going?
Hallion is a strange town in that there are 4 universities all in town. The whole town has grown to be what the schools need. Presently the four universities are Blackstar, Magicanus, Fodelia’s Stage, and Hallion. There is another area near the market that is called Copper University. While Hallion is a general establishment for higher learning the other three are specialized schools. While copper university is called a university it is not one. It is actually a close grouping of coffee shops that cater to intellectuals that can sit around and talk about various topics. Sitting out on the arm of the bay on the ocean side makes it open to trade also from ships coming along the south edge of the continent. While it is not a trading hub some trade passes through here.
“Myst on the Moor”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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