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Main Topic
- How would you describe Battlelords of the 23rd Century?
- Right away is anyone on the team current or prior military?
- In Charlie Foxtrot there are a bunch of scenarios and example groups. Are they tied into the metaplot of the universe? And if so how?
- While called “Battlelords”, the CRB discusses other types of campaigns that are possible in the setting – what is your favorite non-standard campaign and character?
- There is a clearly retro-futuristic vibe for Battlelords, aside from the 3 “G”s, what do you consider essential for the setting to be Battlelords?
- As a Gear heavy game, what is your favorite piece of Gear to use for a character?
- With 30 years of history, how would you say Battlelords has changed? Stayed the same?
- What part of the Battlelords universe do you want to hear about fans and gaming tables filling in?
- What is your favorite part of the “secret history” of the world? Mine is the Atlanteans …
- Is Uncle Ernie the embodiment of a chaotic evil force?
- If a Battlelord Fott, Runequest Durulz, and Starjammer Giff were in a three way battle royale, who would prevail?
- Savage World Port?
Contact Info for BattleLords twitter @battlelordsrpg
http://www.23rdcentury.net/ or http://www.battlelords.com
Music is courtesy of Sim on Twitter you can find him at @TheSimulacrae
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