Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Episode 92: GM-Centric Design

Main Topic

We will be talking about two styles of design in this show and the next. So what do we mean by GM-centric Design? It feels like this style of design is about you as the GM having a sharp and clear picture of the story you want to tell. This doesn’t mean that you are laying out the railroad tracks. What it means is that you have the story you want to tell and the characters are another tool that you will need to think about as you go forward. Do they fit into the story or are they going to be the catalyst that is going to change what you have? Neither is wrong as they still give the players the amount of agency that they need to grow the characters they are playing. 

With this way of designing you will need to keep a few things in mind. What can the PC’s change? What can they not change no matter what? Are there story elements that can change and if so how much can they change them? If you are working to make a big campaign you will need to let your players know these things that you don’t want to change.

I notice that the GM’s that do this sort of design have it baked into the setting they are running. It might even be in the choice they made for the ruleset to use. 

One of the best ways to tell this story, is to look back on your themes you have already identified. Players ought to have agency, and so the question of what they can change is the paramount item to identify! Put the players in the position to make a choice and to make a change that helps effect the end result of the story that you want to tell.  

Stat Blocks

Zendead- Spigira

Sure you have heard of the famous ones, who hasn’t. Godzilla, Mothra, you know them but what about the ones that no one has made a movie about. Also you need to remember those movies are not real. While the first wave of Kaiju were attacking coastal cities we were trying to find a way to combat them. The early days saw hunters that had figured out the pattern for the migration and killed them anyway they could. Then a coalition of German and Japanese engineering created the first Mecha. They were not much more then powered armor. But then the next wave increased the mass of them to something bigger. 

Then the latest wave of Kaiju started showing up. Not sure where they were coming from but they were here and they were big. Spigira was topping out at 345 ft or 105 m That is when you include the spiral horn that makes up its head. Spigira has been seen in a few places. From the Philippines to Guam to West Papua, Indonisia are its hunting grounds. It seems to super heat the water around it and spray it from the spiral as it attacks. Given that this one stays in the open water more than most it seems like it might be a trophy worth hunting down. 

How to use Spigira in a game: Ok so if you need a crazy myth about a sea monster here you go. What about having an actual Kaiju? Aside from the 2 details you have some room to fit this creature in your games from fantasy to Sci-fi. You can give it more abilities and powers as you need them.  Enjoy. 

Guard-a-Manger – Grace Hilmot’s Will

Sometimes, the most successful company is simply the one that produces the best products and services.  Often times, however, it is more like MegaMagnaMonda Corp. Triple M clawed its way to the top at the expense of the morals and soul of the C.E.O., Grace Hilmot.  She did not hesitate to make ruthless moves to establish superiority, or undercut competitors, etiquette, niceties, and legalities be damned. The entire corporate balance sheets could have been printed in red from the blood than ran to propel MMM to the top.  

This isn’t to say that everyone turned a blind eye to what was happening – members of the Board and whistleblowers had certainly tried to stop her before . . . to no avail.  Something had left Grace able to stay one step ahead of all her competitors and establish MMM’s supremacy in multiple markets, and even multiple planets if you happen to play in that sphere.  Perhaps that uncanny ability is why her untimely and accidental death seems so shocking. Who could have foreseen a skiing accident on the exact day that a blizzard would stop any ability to transport her out for life saving treatment? 

It is time to settle her estate … and the biggest question is who will be the new C.E.O. once her ownership is passed.  The doors to her office won’t open for anyone else since then and nobody has dared try to break in – does the secret to her ability to stay one step ahead lie in that room?  Or did I mean lay in that room?

How to use Grace Hilmot’s Will in a game:  This is a macguffin pure and simple. The mystery behind Grace’s aptitude need not be answered in the room, or perhaps there is nothing special about it.  It is more importantly an entry way to a load of potential mysteries that the Players could either solve or be a cat’s paw for one of the other stakeholders – that is up to you.  


Littoral  adjective lit·​to·​ral | \ ˈli-tə-rəl  ; ˌli-tə-ˈral, -ˈräl \

Definition of littoral (Entry 1 of 2)

: of, relating to, or situated or growing on or near a shore especially of the sea

littoral waters

littoral noun

Definition of littoral (Entry 2 of 2)

: a coastal region

especially : the shore zone between high tide and low tide points

First Known Use of littoral


circa 1656, in the meaning defined above


1828, in the meaning defined above

History and Etymology for littoral

Adjective and Noun

Latin litoralis, from litor-, litus seashore

Look-up Popularity

Bottom 50% of words

Closing remarks 

Zendead- Jericho 

I just jumped in where my wife was watching it and I had so many ideas for running a game set  right after the bombs have dropped. Do I want to run this yes but do I want to do a TMNT version or a Fate version? I am not sure the ideas are fun and the area to place in is so wide open. 

Guard-a-Manger- The Orestia.  Its my favorite story framework to drop players into the middle of like these GM Centric stories. It is a classic Greek tragedy trilogy focused on the House of Atreus.  How revenge can turn into justice and what it means to live in a civilized world are the themes that it seeks to explore through the House of Atreus and its curse in Agamemnon with the titular character’s death and the cycle of revenge through the creation of the Eumenides from the Furies in The Eumenides.   

Music is courtesy of The Enigma TNG you can find his music on YouTube or on Bandcamp

Find us

Show- Email, InstagramTwitter, Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Tumblr

Zendead- Email, Twitter, Facebook

Joules- Email, Twitter, Facebook

nulloperations – Email, Twitter, Twitch, Facebook 

Guard-a-manger- Email, TwitterInstagram, Facebook

And Thanks to Merriam-Webster  and Online Etymology Dictionary for our Lexicon segment

If you want to you can also help Support Me on Ko-fiFind us on Patreon

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Episode 91: GM Dumpster Diving

Main Topic

So what is this thing we are calling GM Dumpster Diving? Have you ever looked around your gaming or crafting area and said well I think I can make this thing I need? Then you go looking at the stuff you have laying around well that is the premise of this topic. I do a fair amount of crafting for stuff at my table. I am always looking at what I have sitting around and can use in a strange way to make an idea come to life. 

Stat Blocks

Zendead- Last Journal Entry of Commander Dyson

ShipDate 05.04.2748

The blip on the targeting array was the third one today. As usual it was nothing just a squirrel running by. Or what passed for squirrels on this dark hellhole of a planet. To think we had a smart idea to come to this dark rock in the hope of finding resources we needed to get to the next system. Since we had made the mistake of touching down here we had better hope we can make this work. We call this place planet UM261 but those on the ground call it Tartarus. Then those damn locals started messing with our stuff. We are supposed to treat them like children but they are not innocent just backwards. The Terrilix as they wish to be called. 

And they are not going to stop us from getting the things we need to get off this rock. Once we realized they had huge areas of this place under their control the only other option was obvious. Remove them with extreme prejudice. But that has not gone well I might add. I am hoping to get this recorded and uploaded to the ship bef….

How to use this in a game? 

What if this is the last transmission from a lost colony ship? Or maybe this is playing as the players wake up from the cloning camber or even the hibernation tanks. Or what if this is just something they dream and don’t know what any of this is because the society they are in is still swinging a sword and killing monsters. 

Joules- Working and working and other things sadly no time. 

nulloperations – Bird Storm

The skies darken, like a storm seething in with a cacophony of thunderous cracks. But those are not clouds. That is not thunder. The sound ripples and grows, the shape’s movement becomes finer as it soars in on endless wings. As if all of the world’s avian things came together, the storm bears no cloud but instead brings upon it the flock of feather, talon, and claw. It is only when they are just upon the party that their otherworldly forms glow with the lie of illusion or some mass crafted conjuration. They streak over those who dwell on the land or tear apart those who would dare share the sky. No bit of flesh stays. No crop, no bug, no vermin, no life. The storm rips and consumes, it claws and mauls.

It is a spell, that much is known. Some empowered ritual that continues to burn and sweep. But it’s self-propagating; growing from the life it takes and fueling itself. The bird storm is a terror of crows, a swarm of wings that brings doom in its feathered wake.

How to Use the Bird Storm:

The storm is like its namesake, a magical force of nature that rolls over the land. It is not sentient, just drawn to sources of magic and life like a ravenous beast desperate for a meal. It is not clever, and simple barriers or wards that hide magical sources can trick it. The storm is magical in nature, and thus things that resist magic are able to keep the birds at bay. But they will try. They will crash and bash and slam against magical barriers, and are drawn to the source of magical barriers in an effort to consume the magical source. The birds especially crave magical devices and active spell effects, using them to fuel the Bird Storm’s continued strength.

In campaigns, the storm serves as either a natural barrier a party would need to overcome, or as a threat to hurry the party along as a lingering threat.


Balderdash  noun bal·​der·​dash | \ ˈbȯl-dər-ˌdash  \ 

Definition of balderdash


First Known Use of balderdash

1674, in the meaning defined above

History and Etymology for balderdash

origin unknown

Look-up Popularity

Bottom 50% of words

Closing remarks 

Zendead- Castlevania This was such a cool anime that makes me want to run games in this world. 

Joules- Subsurface Circular – amazingly interesting whodunit. On a metro.  Oh and you’re a robot 

nulloperations – The Witcher – Hey, I’m actually caught up on something.

Music is courtesy of The Enigma TNG you can find his music on YouTube or on Bandcamp

Find us

Show- Email, InstagramTwitter, Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Tumblr

Zendead- Email, Twitter, Facebook

Joules- Email, Twitter, Facebook

nulloperations – Email, Twitter, Twitch, Facebook 

Guard-a-manger- Email, TwitterInstagram, Facebook

And Thanks to Merriam-Webster  and Online Etymology Dictionary for our Lexicon segment

If you want to you can also help Support Me on Ko-fiFind us on Patreon

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Episode 90: Long Form Storytelling and Campaign Design

Main Topic

So long form storytelling and campaign design are similar but have a few key differences. The big ones are campaign design is about creating obstacles that the players use character abilities and the randomness of dice rolls to overcome. And long form Storytelling is more of creating a narrative that the characters can interact with. One is about the things in the journey and the other is more about the overall journey itself. 

These do not have to be in opposition, however.  Long Form storytelling can enhance your campaign design when you use the players and characters as the key pieces of the story, rather than an intrusion in the story.  The biggest mistake a GM who prefers to plan can make it to try to tell a Longform story without regard for the characters. How do you integrate these things for a better gaming experience?

When telling Long Form Stories, start with looking to a good theme.  We’ve talked about those on other shows before so think about what kind of story you want to see told and what overarching beats you would want to play out – It could be a question of power corrupting, it could be about overcoming or resolving trauma, you could build around the theme of an unknown. Next, you have to ask how to meld that theme into the game and the players’ agency.  

If the players agree, building long form stories around the background and growth of the characters is an obvious choice. Player backgrounds are an amazing place to find personal issues or points and also ways to hook the characters into a larger conflict if your theme is occuring outside the players’ own heads.

 If the players are not immediately part of it, build your themes into the stories you do have control over.  Don’t railroad your players, but there is nothing to stop you from having a theme repeat and recur in the background of your work. If you want to show how people can burn themselves out, and how that will burn out a country, company, or group you can build that into the story and slowly show more to players

When moving the stories into the forefront, don’t be afraid to give the characters the entry into the larger world, have their call to adventure, by invoking what that theme is when you set up an adventure for them.  

Stat Blocks

Zendead- Terrilix 

Being born on a world with a sun that is 85% as bright as the one in the Sol system means we are adapted to darker worlds. When the Solarians first arrived they thought they had found a planet with no sentient species. They were very mistaken, we had been on this world for the better part of ten thousand cycles. We had been a group of political refugees from our home world. While we had needed to recode portions of our genetic code we were able to make this planet work for our needs. 

The first contact with the solarians was far from peaceful like we had hoped. They thought we were an underdeveloped race. Just because we had found a way to live in balance with our local habitats. Once we had recoded the few sections that would help us thrive here we stopped. No need to overdo things like that. The Solarians came in as conquerors but once we put up a bit of resistance they figured we needed to be crushed under their boots. The difference is we had made ourselves to be best suited for this planet. They learned to regret trying to come in like that, and we did it by never being where they thought we should be. 

We can lower our core temp to be invisible to thermal vision which many apex predators use here. Our eyes where modded so that they could pull the most from the less bright sun. Those same eyes also could constrict in an instant to keep from being blinded. We were like spirits to those who first arrived. After a year of conflict we had whittled away their numbers and we still had almost all of ours. We then called them to the peace mat to stop all the aggression. Surprisingly it seems to be working but we still keep a close eye on them and we don’t dare tell them what we are truly capable of. 


Kryluns Remarkable Mapcase

A simple mapcase can hold the keys to adventure and the future.  A mapcase can also hold a moldy invoice when grain deliveries have gone unpaid.  Krylun’s mapcase is a masterpiece of holding both possibilities of the future and the past at once.  You see, the mapcase can be opened from either end and in that single deft choice, you may find a difference between the past and present, riches and rags, destiny and fate. 

Krylun made her name for herself exploring all sorts of uncharted lands … or more aptly lands that were uncharted today.  It was her intrepid work that let the empires of today reclaim the trade routes of the past. The secret that this charming minotaur never quite shared was that the mapcase did most of the work.  It was her skills as a linguist and an archaeologist, allowing her to decipher the ever changing script, that kept her safe. 

The edges of each end of the mapcase are embossed and protected with a magical strap of leather and the script on it changes every time the case is closed from being open.  It tells you brazenly what lies within each way of opening the case, if you can read the script, though it is at times more a fanciful description than a truthful location. 

How about it? Are you ready to open the case and see where “Pastoral” is when you follow the map?  Or how about “Riches”? Are you sure? 


Bucolic  adjective bu·​col·​ic | \ byü-ˈkä-lik  \

Definition of bucolic

1: of or relating to shepherds or herdsmen : PASTORAL

2a: relating to or typical of rural life


First Known Use of bucolic

circa 1609, in the meaning defined at sense 1

History and Etymology for bucolic

Latin bucolicus, from Greek boukolikos, from boukolos cowherd, from bous head of cattle + -kolos (akin to Latin colere to cultivate) 

Look-up Popularity

Top 30% of words

Closing remarks 

Zendead- Zelda Breath of the Wild– While I have just gotten into playing it the game has been fun and it is very pretty. The game play is very questy at this point though I do know it opens up once you leave the starting location. 

Guard-a-Manger- Young Justice: Sins of Youth TPB.  When Klarion(dum-dum-DUM) The Witch Boy mixes the ages of all the DC Supers heroes up, Young Justice has to learn to be the heroes they will eventually become to try to save the day.  

Music is courtesy of The Enigma TNG you can find his music on YouTube or on Bandcamp

Find us

Show- Email, InstagramTwitter, Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Tumblr

Zendead- Email, Twitter, Facebook

Joules- Email, Twitter, Facebook

Nulloperations- Email, Twitter, Facebook

Guard-a-manger- Email, TwitterInstagram, Facebook

And Thanks to Merriam-Webster  and Online Etymology Dictionary for our Lexicon segment

If you want to you can also help Support Me on Ko-fi

Find us on Patreon

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Dark Tides Session 24

The twenty fourth session of Carrion Crown.

Contact us 

Derek @seizethegm

Aj @nicholson_aj

Marty @sixblazer 

Joe @joe_rpg

If you want to you can also help us out here Support Me on Ko-fi

Music is “Dark Times” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Support us on Patreon as well.

Main Topic

Videogames have been around in one form or another for decades – Almost as long as this role playing hobby. While the early games were hit or miss as developers explored a new medium, they had only rare gems of inspiration. The most recent generations of consoles and computer games have shown a trend to deep and rich worldbuilding with expansive and immersive storylines. How do you draw inspiration from video games, either the older classics that the luddites among us love or the new games with their modern storytelling and sensibilities?  

[GaM] As the self professed luddite in this respect, I definitely look to some of the older video games for inspiration.  A few examples are: 

  • Metal Gear Solid Series – The Metal Gear Solid series shows a vast and interconnecting series of stories that have the players ask questions about the nature of the world and military conflict all while exemplifying the infiltration genre.  The MGS series, from the original onward, help demonstrate resource management and how to craft larger than life stories interwoven with the characters
  • Ninja Gaiden – Few games can compete with Ninja Gaiden when it comes to iconic villains/bosses and story structure.  While MGS shows the larger macronarrative construction, Ninja Gaiden builds to a crescendo from the micronarrative point and introduced me to cutscenes and how to advance stories by shifting locales
  • FFVIII – After FFVII, I didn’t know what to expect from FFVIII, but was really pleasantly surprised with a unique magic system that was unlike anything I had experienced in video games and role playing games to that point. FFVIII showed me ways to take chances and innovate in world building 

[Zen] I do like a few videogames and ones for inspiration are Conan Exiles, FFX, and Gwent.

  • Conan Exiles – This game takes all of the get part of Conan and explores and new bit of the world that is created just for the game. It is about exploration and self discovery which are great themes to tackle in a game.
  • FF X – While all Final Fantasy games have similar themes to them this game has a few neat subsystems in it. The idea of a water based sport that is tied to two of the characters and the world itself is cool. Sports and games are a thing that can help to build out more of the world. 
  • Gwent – While I haven’t had a chance to play much of this game it is a game within a game. For those that know Gwent is the card game in the Witcher series. There is also an independent version of this game as its own game. I like to use things like this to help make the game worlds we play in and build feel more alive.

[Joules] I take my inspiration from old to new.  Humor and serious.  

  • ZORK – Initially a text based adventure.  Which was great because you had to imagine what was described to you.  But there was so much humor buried in there. And over time more episodes came out in more modern formats.  ZORK Grand Inquisitor is my personal fave. Who doesn’t love Eric Avari? WHO IS THE BOSS OF YOU? ME! I AM THE BOSS OF YOU!
  • Disgaia – For those that love minis and strategy.  The music is delightful and catchy which helps when you’re thrashed at your last turn.  There are also “dungeon runs” in the item world. Sometimes there’s no way to complete a level which adds some tools to your toolkit.  It also shows that good storytelling can be integrated into all types of games. You can have a serious strategy battle with the outcome shaping the story.   And the story doesn’t have to be super duper detailed, but the characters need to be relatable, lovable, or eminintenty mockable!  
  • Hand of Fate- This is a kind of genius deck building game.  You meet “The Dealer” at the end of some crazy adventure.  And you sit and play. The cards in the deck are events that happened in your past and you battle for the dealers treasures.  When you land on a battle card, the game switches to a 3rd person beat em up. The treasures you’ve acquired show up on your character.  If you’re kind of stuck on an adventure, have you thought of dealing some tarot cards and seeing what kind of adventure is built from them? 

[null] Games serve as much of the foundation in terms of storytelling and character journeys. Complexity and simplicity, world building, and story plot design fundamentals can be learned from so many of them.

  • Final Fantasy X – I’m including FFX as well because it is one of the prime examples I’d use in world building, tying the narrative of a setting into the characters and their stories. The complexity of the world and how the cultures of the past serve to inspire the future. From Zanarkian sports traditions becoming Bevellian religious trappings, to choices in a warn becoming a never ending tradition of death worship, the residents of Spira are a great example of an evolving setting.
  • The Elder Scrolls Series – The blank slate, that is the type of hero TES shows again and again. TES provides an example of building a world as a playground for players, while trying to offer them the chance to become mired in its history.
  • Rock n’ Roll Racing – The world as a game, a stage and backdrop that only serves to present an experience without stepping too deep into the world around them.

Stat Blocks

Zendead- Storybook

We all remember those stories from when we were children. Fairy tales, fables, and whatnot. Things told to us by parents and grandparents, and for some it was the managers of the orphanage. Now where did those stories come from? Where they passed down from ages past? Or where they spun from whole cloth out of the imagination of the teller? It doesn’t really matter in the end, for the place they all end up is The Storybook. 

The Storybook is a massive tome held in the top most room of the highest tower in the ancient castle. The book sits passively waiting for a new story to be told and recorded in its pages. When the new story is finished the book opens to a clean page and the words scribe themselves onto the pages that it needs to record the entire telling. Then once it finishes the book swings closed till it is needed to record another story. 

The Storybook is a special creation from the beginning of time. Its true purpose is simple record the creative art of storytelling for mankind’s collective unconsciousness. Who or what created it is lost to time. While the location is interestingly enough buried in the minds of all sentient beings. So enjoy the stories we tell and tell a few of your own for The Storybook.

Joules- The Dreamkeeper’s Attic

“Lock the door. Lock the door. Lock the door. Lock the doooor.”

Always in a whisper.  In every dream that you’ve had for the last 8 months.

“Lock the door. Lock the door.”

So as you begin to wake, you lock the door behind you.  Seems the right thing to do.

“Lock the door. Lock the door.”

Your sleep becomes less restorative as your confusion mounts.

Why must you lock this door?  Why the seemingly desperate instance.

Ah well, it’s a small thing.  You lock the door again.

“Lock the door.  Lock the door. Lock the door.”

Dreams are confusing enough as they are. This repeated phrase only increases it.

What is happening in your head?  Yet you still lock the door every morning as you wake.

No skin off your nose.

“Lock the Door. Lock the Door.”

Until the frustration and confusion become too much.  And you rebel.

You intentionally put the key in your pocket and leave the door unlocked.

And nothing happens. Rise and Shine!

At night you sleep.  And you don’t hear the voice. Finally!  A night of peace. Stupid voice.

Days and nights wear on. Bringing only monotony and a rising sense of frustration.  And an odd deja-vu of holding a grudge

Weeks and months. You’re ruder, angrier. Everything is a personal slight. Memories of childhood bullying are as raw and fresh as the day you experienced them.  Every heartbreak you’ve ever had returns with a vengeance. You’re a miserable shell of the person you once were and you don’t know why. 

Till one day you meet a strange child while walking to work.  You ignore them. And then they speak.

“I tried to remind you.”

You freeze in mid step and slowly look behind you at the child.

“You didn’t lock the door. I couldn’t keep them from hurting you” 

You stop breathing. Frozen with a deep seated sense of dread.

“If you don’t lock them somewhere safe, I can’t help you face them.  You can’t process them in their raw form. You can’t…”  

The child’s voice trails off, and their voice hitches in their throat.  You see a tear fall from their eye. It shines like starlight.

“I locked them in my attic for you. Kept them away till you were asleep and I could help you deal with them.  But you left the door unlocked. And they all got out.”

You feel the weight of the child’s words.  Your bones feel like glass. Your head feels like lead.

“What did you lock away?” you ask, dreading the answer.

“Your life experiences.” the child replies. “I gave you a room to process them and figure them out. To give you the tools to eventually integrate them into yourself.” 

The child’s voice hitches again.

“I came to get my key back. And to say goodbye. You broke the rules and can’t go into my attic anymore.” Another starlit tear falls. “I’m so sorry.”

You blink and you’re suddenly very alone.  With nothing but your thoughts. Thoughts of everything you ever experienced in your life.

With no way to process them.

nulloperations – I’m in outline land. 

Guard-a-Manger – Calling one of my only no-Stat Block shows this week …. Its been a thing


Distaff  adjective

dis·​taff | \ ˈdi-ˌstaf  \

Definition of distaff (Entry 1 of 2)

1: FEMALE sense 1

distaff executives

2: MATERNAL sense 2

the distaff side of the family

— compare SPEAR

distaff noun

plural distaffs\ ˈdi-​ˌstafs  , -​ˌstavz \

Definition of distaff (Entry 2 of 2)

1a: a staff for holding the flax, tow, or wool in spinning

b: woman’s work or domain

2: the female branch or side of a family

First Known Use of distaff


circa 1633, in the meaning defined at sense 2


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

History and Etymology for distaff


Middle English distaf, from Old English distæf, from dis- (akin to Middle Low German dise bunch of flax) + stæf staff

Look-up Popularity

Bottom 40% of words

Closing remarks 

Zendead- Star Wars: Clone Wars – I know I am a few years behind but I am enjoying watching it roll out. 

  Dark Crystal Tactics just an honorable mention.

Joules – Sabaton and Sabaton History – Heavy Metal Music based on history? Yes Please! And their sister channel that goes deeper into the actual events of each song with historian Indy Nidel and one of the members of the band. Delightful!

nulloperations – My name is Byf – Exploring the Lore of destiny and presenting it’s stories as audio journals and collections.

Guard-a-Manger – Alone in the Dark – Bad Horror is sometimes worth the time for inspiration. And Uwe Bowl. 

Music is courtesy of The Enigma TNG you can find his music on YouTube or on Bandcamp

Find us

Show- Email, Discord, InstagramTwitter, Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Tumblr

Zendead- Email, Twitter, Facebook

Joules- Email, Twitter, Facebook

Nulloperations- Email, Twitter, Facebook

Guard-a-manger- Email, TwitterInstagram, Facebook

And Thanks to Merriam-Webster  and Online Etymology Dictionary for our Lexicon segment

If you want to you can also help Support Me on Ko-fi

Find us on Patreon

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Dark Tides Session 23

The twenty third session of Carrion Crown.

Contact us 

Derek @seizethegm

Aj @nicholson_aj

Marty @sixblazer 

Joe @joe_rpg

If you want to you can also help us out here Support Me on Ko-fi

Music is 

“Dark Times” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Support us on Patreon as well.

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Episode 88: Eclipse Phase Interview and Review

Main Topic


So what gave you the idea to have the game feel more accessible to folks that may not have been around since the first edition of the game? 

What wasn’t quite right? What did Second Ed give you a chance to clean up?

Also why did you decide from the earliest days to make this released under a creative commons instead of holding the IP in house and having a regular copyright? 

While you have the core rulebook out and the couple of fast adventure hooks what is just over the event horizon for the line?

If you were a monster from any game what type would you be? 

Contact info 


Twitter- @eclipsephase

Facebook- Eclipse Phase


  Pools are a really cool mechanic in a system full of mechanics that seem to make it about ways to push the narrative as part of your morph. 

The Themes as laid out in the intro chapter are really inspiring for ideas for games sessions to run. 

Psi what can I say I am a sucker for Psi stuff in Sci-Fi Games always have and always will.

A fully realized world that lets you have fun and ask deep questions at the same time


Hefty this is a really hefty book to get through. Both in word count and ideas to digest.

The point buy Character build I have never liked them and putting it in the character gen section is confusing and should be in an appendix

Dense games can be a tough buy in for new parties

Music is courtesy of The Enigma TNG you can find his music on YouTube or on Bandcamp

Find us

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Eclipse phase takes its deep and often detail oriented game into a second edition with a beautifully made 450+ book that visually evokes the post human setting and ethos of the game and its makers. Overall, this is a book and game worth investing in for players that yearn for a simulationist game designed with a modern ethos or players who want to explore the difficult concepts of identity, humanity, and self determination. If you want an overall simplified score – I give it an A-. Why was I impressed?  What do I think held it back? Read on to find out! 

Eclipse Phase is a rare newer game that leans heavily into the crunch and complexity of the rules like in the days of gaming yore. This isn’t a surprise and the frank admission of complexity – in rules, settings, and themes – is a refreshing hint of honesty. There isn’t a claim it is as easy as falling off a bike only to find a chapter so dense you’d rather fall off than run into it. This can be both a strength and, at times, a weakness. The honesty of the designers and the book is definitely something to be applauded.

Design (B+)

From a design standpoint, the overall look and feel of the book evokes a hyperlinked record like the characters would have available to them in the world. The clean design and vibrant images reinforce the game’s themes but the density of material does fall into a Derrida-like stack of related concepts falling back on themselves with the weight of this world. My Personal preference on organization of the book would have proceeded a bit differently as even I got a bit lost in trying to work through character creation and concepts. 

While there are some minor typos and copy editing, it isn’t anything outside what you might expect from a 450 page work.  

Overall / the sleek design plays into the setting of the game. The lush imagery supports the rich worldbuilding and while there are some points and places where the design doesn’t make it readily accessible, it is overall a beautifully designed and laid out product. 

Rules (B+)

Eclipse phase is a crunchy game. It is a game much more on the simulationist nature and the world it wants to model is a complex one. The basics start as a percentile roll under system. Easy enough. But then we look at the subsystems and specifics so you begin to see the complexity. 

The characters in EP are “sleeves” where the original mind is not necessarily in their original body. The transhumanist nature of this setup, given a wider pop culture publication in Altered Carbon on Netflix, means that character creation juggles not only skills on which the game heavily relies but also the physical capability of the sleeve the mind is in. This makes for a lot of moving parts to put together. The admission of complexity extends to the character creation phase, and the book itself admits that it is best to play with some of the sample characters a few times before you are ready to really dive into the Eclipse Phase Character Generation – refreshing honesty, but also a definite barrier to entry for new players.

Characters are defined by two different aspects – the Ego which is the sum of the mind, personality, and whatever else may be inherent covering things like aptitudes, skills, insanity, and parts of the Flex Pool (discussed below); and the Morph which is the physical form the Ego inhabits which can range from a combat drone, to an uplifted octopus, to an enhanced humanoid form, to a plethora of options that primarily provides the Pools, durability, and physical aspects of the character.  

Starting from a simple and standard resolution mechanic – the roll under on percentile – give Eclipse Phase a start of an intuitive rule set where the ability to gauge success rates and challenges is clear to players.  Then we get into the weeds (and if you’ve listened along to Seize the GM episodes, you know I am on the crunchier side of the podcasting crew here) and you could get a little lost. The exceptional success mechanic is also a fun one where a 33 or better that succeeds is superior, but a roll of 66 or better that succeeds is worth two superior successes. Since Eclipse phase is a roll under system, by having the ability to succeed at 67, that means you are exceptionally skilled, have stacked the tables in your favor, or otherwise had way too easy a time getting this task done! A double roll, though is a Critical, either success or failure depending.

On the complexity side, Eclipse Phase does use derived statistics – that is stats that are determined by a formula using other stats.  While this can help encourage game balance, it is crunchier way to do things that some players do not enjoy. While the Pools are ne of those derived stats, they are also a distinct success in the design of the system. Characters abilities are augmented through Pools that represent combinations of skills, enhancements, or other transhuman  advantages – Insight, Moxie, Vigor, and Flex. These Pool points may be spent to various advantages, providing the sort of agency enhancement that more narrative games deal with in spades. The addition of the Pools, especially the Flex pool, help prevent Eclipse phase from being so overly rules heavy that it impedes the modern gaming styles.  The Flex pool explicitly is there to provide narrative control to players allowing introductions of NPCs or defining aspects of an Environment. 

I am always a fan of guided character creation, Eclipse Phase makes good use of that by having your Background, Career, and Interests provide packages of skills to move through the character creation.   Combined with the incorporation of “rep” scores across different factions to add a social connection filtered through a post-postmodern social media and the use of character Motivations tied to the advancement mechanic, the Character Creation is one of the richest and most fulfilling character generations I have experienced.  

Narrative/Setting (A)

The ideas in Eclipse Phase are top notch, which we will explore in Themes as well. For 30 years, games have tried to make systems and settings that can run across different themes – EP succeeds at that. The setting has aspects of science fiction, postapocalyptic, horror, mystery, and more leaving behind only pulp (which needs a less simulationist set of rules to really shine) in a solar system decimated by AIs nearly ending humanity. The star system is under threat from extinction level events and the stable wormhole gates the AIs left behind give endless possibilities to find someplace for everyone to eventually call home. That is a pretty engaging start but then the writers go above and beyond in fleshing out a world and a setting with more possibilities than most games ever provide in an entire edition through just the Core Rule Book. In trying to write a review for a rich setting, the over 150 pages of pure story and narrative of the setting is as dense and difficult to boil down as the remainder of the game.  That doesn’t mean I won’t try. 

Within the Solar System itself, there is a large amount of political and social games going on.  Entire Eclipse Phase sessions and groups could be spent without combat dealing with the political repercussions of the different factions and organizations, which is one of the strengths in the Themes below.  Character Creation has 16 different Factions to choose from, one of which is a catchall “Regional” faction, if one particular part of the setting catches your eyes. The Factions range from the socially conservative Jovian’s who want to limit or stop transhuman technologies and Hypercorporates who support a competition based capitalist social structure to technosocialist Titanians and the revolutionary Barsoomians seeking to free Mars from corporate control. 

The book uses the trope of bringing a new reader up to speed in world well, and a hundred of those 150 pages of world building are public facing, with the remainder in the Gamemaster section providing a good dichotomy of the public versus private lives question and theme. In the 10 years since “The Fall” humanity is pulling itself up from the bring – the AI Titans are gone, mostly, having decimated the Earth and other human and transhuman settlements.  The Titans took advantage of the wars and distrust that the humans had with themselves having reached a stage where death was optional for the powerful. The augmented reality of the Meshnet allowed instant and total communications between people and devices while the Ego transfer technology allowed a person to sustain themselves across multiple or successive Morphs. These morphs can vary so widely, they can scarcely be described but none are required to be as flatline as the bodies we ourselves know.  The constant public facing rep feeds reduce privacy and concerns for privacy across much of transhumanity, though some of the solar system’s outposts still hold that in higher regard. Transhumanity has spread across the solar system with as many different ways of governing or not governing themselves as they have found. The constant tension between these factions and these sovereign and semi-sovereign habitats is a source of conflict. With nanofabrication moving some of these to a past scarcity environment, true questions of identity and society are all that remain for them.  In the shadows, secret groups remain on watch for threats to what is left of Transhumanity, the setting’s default is that you work for this hidden Firewall, searching those out within the system but also going through the gates to other worlds and making sure transhumanity is not threatened from what is on the other side and maybe yet able to escape from the boundaries of our solar system before we burn ourselves out.

Different options for the deep secrets and questions of the worlds are provided in the GM section, not unlike the way FASA approached Earthdawn’s greater mysteries.  And I have not even mentioned the psi powers that are remnants of an exsurgent virus the AI’s unleashed against transhumanity….

If I don’t stop at this 650 words summation, I will end up just writing as much as the book itself offers.  The world is rich and well textured. The contours are well thought out and provide endless opportunities for role playing in social, political, exploration, and combat challenges.   

Themes (A-)

I like games that come with themes.  The ideas that motivate what the writers want to see explored through their world.  In an ideal game,. These themes are enhanced by and reflected in both the system used and the setting provided. Good games become great when they have this ability to connect system and setting to the unwritten Story off the game before the story inside the game. 

Eclipse Phase succeeds at that metric.  The complexity of the rules highlights the differences between the Egos and Morphs.  The ability to create backups of your character, like save points, that can be reloaded or even run simultaneously ties directly into the questions of transhumanity that the authors expressly put before the players.  What is or is not at the core of humanity the human question? Why not change and reflect who the inside sees on the outside when the technology is available? The extent that a person is a person, or the eternal human question comes up as well – not all possible characters have the same legal rights in all of the setting.  What is the line between human, and a fully recognized human, and non-human characters who show the same level of intelligence, emotional connection, and advancement – If you prick them, do they not bleed? 

The ability and even encouragement to have characters that are near immortal through backups and the “forks” of their consciousness provides the opportunity to ask what experiences do and don’t change a person through the character.  It leaves a different set of questions to ask instead of fearing death, perhaps it is something to fear the loss of memories. 

I like games that have a distinct point of view, and Eclipse Phase is no different.  The authors are crystal clear that they subscribe to Transhumanism themselves and that the game is one way that they are trying to ask the questions that Transhumanism asks about politics, economics, and personhood.  The different factions are giving a great amount of detail, and I think the authors correctly focused on the structures that are not “capitalist socioeconomic systems” because readers have a lot of familiarity with those already.  What I do see as a bit of a failing is the promise of the rich diversity of the systems and structures is undercut somewhat with a clear villain or focus on the downsides for those less described capitalist systems. The authors admit that some of their questions they want to ask include “But how can small collectives of anarchists maintain their way of life if faced with conquest by an overwhelming outside force?” and “[H]ow can a welfare state that promises bodies for all keep up with its population’s needs when it has more people than it can productively employ?” and not only “Can [capitalism] ever deliver a just level of prosperity to everyone living under it?” I feel that only the latter question was addressed in the book.  It isn’t asking these questions that had me take my score down a notch, but not having executed the worldbuilding on the former questions as clearly. 

Another part I always like to see is a table of references – the designers and authors providing examples of what inspires them, what influences them, and where we players and GM’s may also be so inspired and influenced. Two pages with three columns running the gamut from television, novels, movies, and comic books to the nonfiction and other roleplaying games to review.  I did notice that the reference list didn’t include a show that played with the questions of memories and “forks” – Dark Matter – so I would add that to the list as well.  

Post Human Studios provided a review copy of the Eclipse Phase Second Edition Core Rule Book to but had no editorial control or influence on the content of the review.

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Dark Tides Session 22

The twenty second session of Carrion Crown.

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Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Episode 87: To Cryptid or not to Cryptid

Main Topic

So the idea of cryptids is not a new thing. Here in America, they go back to the colonies and include figures like Springheel Jack, Bigfoot, Dogmen, and the Jersey Devil. So how do you use these figures when running a game or designing a campaign? Are they just a simple myth or are they a true feature of locations. Cryptids worldwide include the Bunyip in Australia, Dingonek in Western Africa, Igopogo in Canada, Chupacabra from Puerto Rico, Mongolian Death Worm from (you guessed it) Mongolia, Mothman from West Virginia, and the Loch Ness Monster from Scotland to name just a few. 

Cryptids enhance a world and can be used in distinct ways – a lot of fantasy creatures are cryptids.  That is the legendary creatures that are called cryptids by cryptozoologists have been used in fantasy gaming. Maybe you have one that is real and the rest are fake or maybe your world has them all. This can add to the urban fantasy or distorted future setting you play for something as simple as a single use shock effect or maybe …. Something more.  What do you want them to illuminate about your world?

What creates them is another question that you can have a lot of fun with when playing or running a game.  If the Cryptids are natural, that says one specific thing about the world, but if they are unnatural then you have to look at where they come from and what creates them.  Each answer allows you to unravel another mystery of a world or lets you put the players on the track of a mystery or power in the world that may be the basis for your entire campaign.  

Stat Blocks


The Juba

You go out to check your strawberry patch sine when you checked yesterday it was almost time. You turn the corner of the house and your patch looks like it has been trampled by a horse. The problem there is you don’t have a horse and none of your neighbors do either. As you get up to the patch you see that all the ripe berries are gone eaten down to the stem. You are not sure how would eat then down that far. People don’t, that’s for sure. No animal you have heard of does either and it is still early in the morning. Then you see it in the soft dirt a human sized paw print from what looks like a cat. If only you had known one was in the area you never would have grown strawberries. Now if you want to keep the bad things from happening you will have to do grow them again and this time more than before. 

Those few that have seen one have been amazed at how cute they are. About 4 feet tall and they look similar to a cat if a cat where to be bipedal. The coloring of the fur is usually black with a spot of white near the tip of its nose. Some though say they are calico and the front paws are close to hands but bigger then is right for their size. And the face instead of a cat’s mouth it is much closer to a human looking mouth with teeth like we have. And you can tell when one is near because all the cat’s in the area will disappear only to return once the Juba was moved on to the next big strawberry patch. 

Joules- The Defiant Lightbringers

Come away, O human child!

To the waters and the wild

With a faery hand in hand,

For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.

The Stolen Child – W.B. Yeats

The world is rather grim, isn’t it.  It’s such a dark and dreary place. Filled with hatred and violence.  Corruption and lies. Sickness and death. Hope is such an oddity in this day and age.  As is its companion, optimism. They are so rare that their very existence is viewed with skepticism on a good day, outright hostility on an ordinary day, and on the darkest of days it is seen as something to be outright annihilated. 

So why does hope persist?  Why does optimism still doggedly refuse to disappear?  And even more of an enigma, how do both still seem to pop up in the strangest of places?  Places of disaster and illness and of strife?

Seems that this type of world was anticipated long ago.  The fair folk. The dream walkers. Guardian angels. Totems and spirit animals.  They all knew the darkness that mankind could propagate. But they also saw the potential mankind had for great acts of selflessness and compassion.

So they all worked together.  To create a kind of emotional morphogenetic field of sorts.  Based in the dreamtime, arcadia, heaven, and the hunting grounds.  Crisscrossing all realms of fancy, both light and dark. This network connects to the human world in the one place where hearts of man are laid bare.  Where those who truly lost all hope but dreamed of a better place would resonate with the dreams of those who still had some will to fight. Where the primal screams of defiance and glory would stir the hearts of tired souls.  Where those about to surrender to the darkness stop and hesitate.  

The field reacts strongest with the hearts and minds of the young.  You see, children often can see what is really there. The other worlds.  They see the threads of the field. And with a heart without fear and doubt, grasp at them.  The last vestiges of the unseen shepherd these children as best they can. Keeping them safe as they explore and experience.  Protecting them from the ravages of hopelessness and complacency. The children that go through this experience with their mind, heart and soul intact become lightning rods for the fields energy.  Humankind’s unconscious wish for something better made manifest. 

These children become the jolt that can rouse humanity from its apathy.  They influence others around them in so many varied ways. From a grade schooler simply standing up to a bully who is terrorizing that “weirdo” classmate.  To teens and young adults writing the anthems of rebellion and righteous fury to stir hearts and minds. To the rare elderly who offer counsel and comfort and warnings, gained from decades of experience.

Unfortunately, the stronger the light, the deeper the shadows.  And they do shine so bright. The darkness is both empowered and weakened by their existence. The shadows are less in number but so much sharper.  And the dark is patient. Waiting till victory is assured before they strike.

But the light never completely fades.  It becomes part of the field. As stories, as songs, and as memories.  Inspiring the next generation to raise a fist in defiance and not go gently or quietly.


At dawn of the year, hungry for one.

To hunt the young, the stray.

Bound by white and a face you know, it stalks.

It knows the dead, their lies, their loves.

The taker speaks, and the world obeys.

In trails between wood and field, it seeks.

Run, you try, but run you’ll die.

Give what it asks, your life you’ll keep.

(I, uh, might have written a piece of flash fiction to go with this) 


Work’s Electronic Tether

A slim bedazzled case slips onto the counter.  It’s definitely going to be one of those sorts of nights.  Ever since you were hired by Tachyon Developments, and given the tablet so expertly sheathed in what can charitably be described as the leftovers of the 1980s, life has gotten stranger by the minute.  The pay is good, and lets you cover the costs both rent and this condo to be closer to work. It’s just a lot they ask you to do. 

As you crack open a cold bottle of water, you wonder whether you should see a doctor; the world seems brighter and the colors don’t seem in focus right now.  What you wouldn’t do for a couple of days off to rest and recover. But its okay when you are busy and doing the work, though it often seems to be nothing more than a glorified and highly paid go-fer gig.  If this is it, well it isn’t too bad. Tomorrow will be another day and another paycheck, right?

* * * 

Something seems strange when you wake up.  The alarm on your cell phone hasn’t gone off.  The birds are actually chirping. No, wait, your cell phone doesn’t show any service?! When something hits the door of your condo you almost jump out of bed … and pull back the door to see a Newspaper? You didn’t subscribe to any newspaper, but you may as well see what it … what it …. 

April 17, 1983.  

The date. The date is April 17, 1983.  And you are stuck here. 



noun lu·​pine | \ ˈlü-pən  \

Definition of lupine (Entry 1 of 2)

: any of a genus (Lupinus) of leguminous herbs including some poisonous forms and others cultivated for their long showy racemes of usually blue, purple, white, or yellow flowers or for green manure, fodder, or their edible seeds

adjective lu·​pine | \ ˈlü-ˌpīn  \

Definition of lupine (Entry 2 of 2)


First Known Use of lupine


14th century, in the meaning defined above


1660, in the meaning defined above

History and Etymology for lupine


Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin lupinus, lupinum, from lupinus, adjective


Latin lupinus, from lupus wolf — more at WOLF

Closing remarks 

Zendead- Dark Crystal Age of Resistance – This is so good and it feels like the prequel we wanted and that we have waited these many long years. The fact it is the kids of Froud and Henson means they truly get what this story means. 

Joules-Octoberpod – Probably the weirdest, creepiest show on youtube.  It is a collection of creepy stories about things that feel tangentially possible or at least probable.  Stories of the creepy, told by those that experienced them. Or descendants of those who did

nulloperations- Infinity Train – This mini-series offers an interesting way to handle episodic content for an RPG series. A quest/literal hero’s journey style show, it offers the chance to have whimsical fun while sinister creatures lurk on the edge of the train car. Could easily fit comfortably in any storytelling system as the show focuses more on thinking, talking, or running your way out of trouble, and not direct combat confrontations. Very Whovian.

Guard-a-Manger- The Secret Saturdays – a Short Lived but intensely fun show about a family of Cryptids and Cryptozoologists out to protect the cryptids from the world and from ne’er-do-wells the world over. 

Music is courtesy of The Enigma TNG you can find his music on YouTube or on Bandcamp

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And Thanks to Merriam-Webster  and Online Etymology Dictionary for our Lexicon segment

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