Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Dog Days of Podcasting: Day 9 Rambling Writers Block



Nothing for today.

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Seize the GM
Dog Days of Podcasting: Day 8 Candoron "Spires of the Protectorate"


“The Spires of the Protectorate”

Type: Metropolis (50,000)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Ruler: Lady Regent Protector Galianus of House Thada beholden to the Empire of


Government: Colonialist Hegemony

Notable NPC’s: Lady Galianus, Sir Dofani, Katina Weshia, Captain Nalius,

Notable Locations: Temples of Drafus and Aldren, Spire of House Thada, The Spinning

    Dervish, The Pits, Dockside

Rumors: Under the foundations of the city are ways into Night Below. House Thada contains a

             portal to the Imperial city and to the emperors bedchambers. Lady Galianus is in league

             with the local Resistance to the empire.

Candoron is a strange city in that it is built on top of three islands in the middle of the Fordalian River. There is also a major trade road that crosses the river here. The city has the ability to pull the bridges up that cross the river on both sides of town. It is also possible to pull up the major through fares between islands as well.  Therefore the city itself does not have the ability to truly spread out. Once it filled the islands it had to grow up. With that being the case there are bridges and walkways that spread around. The closer to the ground you are the poorer you tend to be. There is no magic holding these spires up it is almost entirely the work of dwarves. Most building are stone that have a strong foundation. These islands that the city sits on are granite. The Lady Regent had been sent here to help hold this portion of the empire over 10 years ago with little to no contact with the empire other than troops.

“Myst on the Moor”

Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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Seize the GM
Dog Days of Podcasting: Day 7 The Protectorate of Barakon


“Edge of the Empire”

Alignment: Neutral Good

Capital: Candoron (50,000)

Notable Settlements: Moralis (15,000), Hallion (5,000), Kavala (3,000), Das (500),  

Dath (500)

Ruler:Lady Regent Protector Galianus of House Thada beholden to the Empire of


Government: Colonialist Hegemony

Languages: Common (Trade), Davi (Empirical)

Religion: Aldren, Aria, Aduin, Drafus, Maythyr, Sor

Barakon sits on the southern edge of the empire of Davius which is the southern coastline. They are in border disputes with the other kingdom along the coast to the north and east of the deep water bay known as Still Waves along the Torrent Sea. The Lady Regent has been in a stalemate with the country of Vandium for this bay. Of late the emperor has been slowly pulling troop back and out of the region with no explanation. The small town of Das sits on the edge of the disputed region with the port town of Dath being a day’s ride from there. A large garrison of Imperial soldiers were stationed outside Das but half of the troops have pulled back to help fortify Kavala. As for what is truly going on with the emperor’s choice in moving troops, as he has, it is anyone’s guess.

“Myst on the Moor”

Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Dog Days of Podcasting: Day 6 Deities Final


Aggath (Lord Tyrant)

God of Slaughter and Tyranny

Symbol: Armored fist dripping blood

Home Plane: Hel

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Worshipers: Evil warriors, tyrants, warlords, and slavers

Domains: Destruction, Law, Strength, War

Subdomains: Hatred, Tyranny, Ferocity, Tactics

Favored Weapon: Great Sword

Colors: Gray and Red

Zencal (Grand Necromancer)

God of the Undeath and Magic

Symbol: A mummified hand

Home Plane: The Howling Night

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Worshipers: Necromancers and evil wizards

Domains: Death, Evil, Luck, Magic, Repose

Subdomains: Undead, Fear, Curse, Arcane, Souls

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Colors: White and gray

Kamar (The Gladiatorial Beast)

Goddess of All Gladiators

Symbol: A casting net behind a galerus

Home Plane: The Infinite Planes of Chaos

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Worshipers: Gladiators

Domains: Animal, Glory, Protection, Strength, Trickery

Subdomains: Fur, Honor, Solitude, Competition, Deception

Favored Weapon: Spiked Gauntlet

Colors: Bronze and White

“Myst on the Moor”

Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Dog Days of Podcasting: Day 5 Deities part 3


Nadenfor (Night’s Shadow)

God of Night Below and Darkness

Symbol: A black disk

Home Plane: The Howling Night

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Worshipers: Those from Night Below

Domains: Darkness, Evil, Earth, Fire, Void

Subdomains: Night, Corruption,  Caves, Ash, Isolation

Favored Weapon: Blowgun

Colors: Black

Drafus (The Sacred Coin)

God of Travel, Rouges, and Merchants

Symbol: Gold coin with an X cut into one side.

Home Plane: The Crossroads

Alignment: Neutral

Worshipers: Merchants, travelers, and rouges

Domains: Charm, Liberation, Luck, Travel, Trickery

Subdomains: Lust, Freedom, Imagination, Trade, Thievery

Favored Weapon: Short sword

Colors: Gold and Black

Aldren (The Shieldmaiden)

Goddess of Honor, Chivalry, and Nobility

Symbol: A shield with a heraldic symbol of a crown, a sword, and an oak leaf on a blue and purple field.

Home Plane: Elysium Fields

Alignment: Neutral Good

Worshipers: Nobility and knights

Domains: Glory, Good, Nobility, Protection, Rune

Subdomains: Honor, Angel, Leadership, Fortifications, Legislation

Favored Weapon: Long Sword

Colors: White and Red

Mortis (The Reaper)

God of Life and Death

Symbol: Jawless skull

Home Plane: The Crossroads

Alignment: Neutral

Worshipers: Anyone and everyone

Domains: Darkness, Death, Healing,  Knowledge, Repose

Subdomains: Loss, Psychopomp, Resurrection, Memory, Souls

Favored Weapon: Scythe

Colors: Black or Gray

Ralishaz (The Lost One)

God of Ill, Luck, Misfortune, Insanity and Chance

Symbol: A hand with a missing finger

Home Plane: The Swirling Nightmare

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Worshipers: Those wishing to harm others and gamblers

Domains: Chaos, Death, Fire, Luck, Madness

Subdomains: Entropy, Murder, Arson, Fate, Insanity

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Colors: Green and Yellow

“Myst on the Moor”

Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Dog Days of Podcasting: Day 4 Maps


Mapping software

Adobe Illustrator

Campaign Cartographer




GM World Maps

“Myst on the Moor”

Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Dog Days of Podcasting: Episode 3 Deities part 2


Maythyr (Maiden of the Tides)

Goddess of the Moon and the Seas

Symbol: The Goddesses face missing her lower jaw and a waterfall pouring from her mouth.

Home Plane: Prime Plane

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Worshipers: Sailors, fishermen, any that use the seas and the tides.

Domains: Darkness, Knowledge, Travel, Water, Weather

Subdomains: Moon, Thought, Trade, Oceans, Storms

Favored Weapon: Monk’s Spade

Colors: Gray and Blue

De’thulia (The Witch Queen)

Goddess of Magic and Death

Symbol: A snowflake

Home Plane: The Pillars of Light

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Worshipers: Magic users and those wishing for a peaceful passing.

Domains: Death, Law, Magic, Repose, Water

Subdomains: Psychopomp, Legislation, Arcane, Souls, Ice

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Colors: Blue and White

Thao (The Forest Princess)

Goddess of the Hunt

Symbol: A drawn bow with a notched arrow.

Home Plane: The Eternal Hunting Grounds

Alignment: Neutral

Worshipers: Rangers, druids, and those that make a living hunting.

Domains: Animal, Glory, Protection, Travel, Weather

Subdomains: Fur, Heroism, Solitude, Exploration, Seasons

Favored Weapon: Long Bow

Colors: Green and Gray

Aria (The Lady of the Divine House)

Goddess of the Hearth and Civilization

Symbol: A home

Home Plane: Isle of the Blessed

Alignment: Lawful Good

Worshipers: Homemakers, Midwives, Royalty

Domains: Community, Knowledge, Law, Nobility, Protection

Subdomains: Home, Education, Loyalty, Aristocracy, Defense

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Colors: Light Blue and Purple

Canavar (The Sanguine Lady)

Goddess of Monsters, blood and evil

Symbol: A drop of blood.

Home Plane: Infinite Planes of Chaos

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Worshipers: Monsters

Domains: Charm, Destruction, Evil, Trickery, War

Subdomains: Lust, Rage, Cannibalism, Blood, Torture

Favored Weapon: Scourge

Colors: Red and Dark Navy

“Myst on the Moor”

Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Dog Days of Podcasting: Episode 2 Deities part 1

Show Notes

Aduin (The Reaper)

God of Harvest and Animals

Symbol: Bee with crossed wheat sheafs behind it. A rack of antlers with 4 wheat sheafs in the center of the rack.

Home Plane: The Eternal Hunting Grounds

Alignment: Neutral Good

Worshipers: Farmers and those that make a living from the land.

Domains: Animal, Community, Earth, Plant, Weather

Subdomains: Fur, Cooperation, Metal, Growth, Seasons

Favored Weapon: Sickle

Colors: Brown and Yellow

Sor (Lord of Light)

God of Sun and Light

Symbol: Golden sun with a ray of light coming from the side.

Home Plane: Prime Plane

Alignment: Lawful Good

Worshipers: Anyone not evil.

Domains: Air, Fire, Healing, Protection, Sun

Subdomains: Cloud, Restoration, Purity, Light

Favored Weapon:Morningstar

Colors:White and Gold

Fildarius (The Divine Hammer)

God of the Forge and Beauty

Symbol: Forge hammer with the handle wrapped in rose vines with 5 roses on it.

Home Plane: Elemental Plane of Fire

Alignment:Chaotic Good

Worshipers: Smiths and artisans of all stripes.

Domains: Artifice, Chaos, Fire, Liberation, Strength

Subdomains: Toil, Whimsy, Ash, Freedom, Resolve

Favored Weapon: Hammer

Colors: Gold and Red

Cruc (The Dark Fury)

God of Battle and Strength

Symbol: Mailed fist holding a sword

Home Plane: The Swirling Chaos

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Worshipers: Warriors and mercenaries

Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Protection, Strength, War

Subdomains: Demodand, Rage, Defense, Ferocity, Tactics

Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword

Colors: Red and Black

Rezoo (The Whispering Death)

God of Disease and Secrets

Symbol: Lips with a rotting finger pressed to them.

Home Plane: Hel

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Worshipers: Assassin’s, thieves, and healers

Domains: Death, Evil, Knowledge, Plant, Rune

Subdomains: Undead, Plague, Espionage, Decay, Language

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Colors: Dark Green and Dark Red

“Myst on the Moor”

Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Dog Days of Podcasting Intro Day 1

Dog Days Of Podcasting

Well I am doing this after so many years so here we go.

Music is “Myst on the Moor”

Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Seize the GM
Seize the GM
Episode 2: First Games and Systems

Main Topic


AD&D 1est Edition- Greyhawk/homebrew is the first thing I played in and first thing I ran was Original Red Box D&D in the stock setting of Mystra.


AD&D Second Edition- Homebrew Played in

Dragon Strike Link

AD&D Second edition- Homebrew Ran in


D6 StarWars

Little Fears

Stat Blocks


“The Fun Uncle/Big Brother”

This NPC Archetype can be a real boon to those new to a game, and they can fit into almost any setting.  The Fun Uncle/Big Brother kind of character serves a “guide” to the party without being the GM’s NPC babysitter or that annoying, pushy, quest giver NPC. They can be used to give advice on a quest or help to reinforce the atmosphere of a setting. It allows the GM to give hints to the players without being obvious.

Additionally there’s another boon to the Fun Uncle/Big Brother NPC. They can change the tone of your game.  Have players that are starting to get cocky and overconfident, have the Fun Uncle/Big Brother regale a tale of dread or horror. Have the PCs just experienced a real emotionally draining scene? He’s there to listen and give context to the experience. Heck, this kind of character can even bring “closure” to a PC’s death, through a touching eulogy or conducting a ceremony where the PC’s name is inscribed on the stone of heros.

The one thing the Fun Uncle/Big Brother is not is a steamroller. He’s not there to push the PCs to do what you want them to do. He’s there to ask a question to get the PCs thinking.

These type of NPCs are in almost any genre:

The retired Shadowrunner turned fixer, dispensing history and advice. (and ideas for weapons) The arcane librarian who knows the stories of the realm and its histories. (Does she know of an underground tunnel to get into the Necromancer’s tower) The babysitter whose stories not only that show that monsters are real, but that they can be defeated. The Mech Mechanic who was always known for pulling wild and crazy stunts, passing that knowledge off to the newer pilots.


Salifondus-   He is a down on his luck elven guy. He dresses nicely but all of his clothing has seen better days. Sali as he is known in the darker part of town is a male “escort” that can be found plying his trade in taverns and inns that cater to the adventuring types. While lots of people in his line of work do things of a questionable nature he has never taken advantage of a “john”.

Nulloperations- Here is a link to his Allied Trickery post.



Shout outs

Zendead- Moon Knight

Joules- Memento Nora

Nulloperations- Final Fantasy 14


Music is courtesy of Magnatune

Artist is Numa from the album Numa

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Joules- Email, Twitter, Facebook

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And Thanks to Merriam-Webster for our Lexicon segment

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