Nadenfor (Night’s Shadow)
God of Night Below and Darkness
Symbol: A black disk
Home Plane: The Howling Night
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Worshipers: Those from Night Below
Domains: Darkness, Evil, Earth, Fire, Void
Subdomains: Night, Corruption, Caves, Ash, Isolation
Favored Weapon: Blowgun
Colors: Black
Drafus (The Sacred Coin)
God of Travel, Rouges, and Merchants
Symbol: Gold coin with an X cut into one side.
Home Plane: The Crossroads
Alignment: Neutral
Worshipers: Merchants, travelers, and rouges
Domains: Charm, Liberation, Luck, Travel, Trickery
Subdomains: Lust, Freedom, Imagination, Trade, Thievery
Favored Weapon: Short sword
Colors: Gold and Black
Aldren (The Shieldmaiden)
Goddess of Honor, Chivalry, and Nobility
Symbol: A shield with a heraldic symbol of a crown, a sword, and an oak leaf on a blue and purple field.
Home Plane: Elysium Fields
Alignment: Neutral Good
Worshipers: Nobility and knights
Domains: Glory, Good, Nobility, Protection, Rune
Subdomains: Honor, Angel, Leadership, Fortifications, Legislation
Favored Weapon: Long Sword
Colors: White and Red
Mortis (The Reaper)
God of Life and Death
Symbol: Jawless skull
Home Plane: The Crossroads
Alignment: Neutral
Worshipers: Anyone and everyone
Domains: Darkness, Death, Healing, Knowledge, Repose
Subdomains: Loss, Psychopomp, Resurrection, Memory, Souls
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Colors: Black or Gray
Ralishaz (The Lost One)
God of Ill, Luck, Misfortune, Insanity and Chance
Symbol: A hand with a missing finger
Home Plane: The Swirling Nightmare
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Worshipers: Those wishing to harm others and gamblers
Domains: Chaos, Death, Fire, Luck, Madness
Subdomains: Entropy, Murder, Arson, Fate, Insanity
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Colors: Green and Yellow
“Myst on the Moor”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0