Main Topic
Sitting down with the guys over at BattleLords to chat about what they have been working on recently, as well as the new Kickstarter that should go live by the end of October 2021.
Fully Armored – Up next, an armor and weapons expansion for the Battlelords Universe. The Gear Manual with guns, armor, specialization, and more equipment for improving your Battlelord. The chance to adapt the old Lock & Load to the new mechanics and more options than you shake a Thwack `Em Stick at.
Savage Battlelords – A fun way to get the setting and fun of Battlelords in the Savage Worlds System! Look for it in the near future if you want to see a way to get into the Battle Lords universe without having a full intimidating Fott worth of ruleset!
BattleLords main website is here.
Twitter is here
Also their Facebook Page
Instagram here
Discord link here
Closing remarks
BattleLords Rocks!
Music is courtesy of Sim on Twitter you can find him at @TheSimulacrae
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