Main Topic
With a varied and rich background, B. Dave Walters brings a unique touch to the characters and games he runs, plays, and writes. A well recognized panelist for conventions, streamer, and writer, Dave brings his perspect to Seize the GM to talk about some of his favorite games, goals in gaming, and what it’s like to play or run a game in the “public eye”.
Geek & Sundry’s Vampire the Masquerade: LA by Night as Victor Temple
Co-Host – Ask Your Black Geek Friend
Wizards of the Coast – Shadows of the Red Rage
IDW – Dungeons & Dragons: A Darkened Wish
Web Comics – Electropunk
Closing remarks
Zendead- So I started woodworking in the last few months. It has been rather fun to do things with my hands and have something tangible after the fact. So maybe check and see if you can find something to do like that if you can.
Guard-a-manger- Local apple cider. We are recording this in what can only be called autumn no matter what the actual temperature may be, and that means cider season for even the most recalcitrant cider drinkers. Find a local cidery, and enjoy a glass or three of a cider. If you happen to have a cidery that makes really dry cider, either alcoholic or not, I really say give that a try.
Joules – Read Something You Loved as a Kid! What brought you joy and imagination in your formative years? Find a copy and give it a read with an eye to identifying why these things spurred your nascent mind.
B Dave Walters – Do The Thing. Use your time to Do Your Thing. Take your 10 minutes a day to Do The Thing.
Music is courtesy of Sim on Twitter you can find him at @TheSimulacrae
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