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So here you are hanging out at home or a con and you get the call. Can you get over here we want to play. You have 30 seconds to get your stuff before you have to be out the door. What do you grab? This is your emergency kit or bare minimum of what you grab, but let’s assume you’ve got the dice handled already (or deck of cards if it’s one of those card based games). What is the minimum amount of stuff you need?
- Pen & Paper – Or pencils. This counts as one because we all know you’ll need something to write on to provide information to yourself or to maybe draw a not to scale map for your players.
- The Core Rule book for the system.
- A laptop or tablet if you are not a pen and paper person.
- A Map or just blank hex paper, possibly in that Binder or Folder you have below ….
- Beer/Soda/Sparkling Mineral Water – A classic addition is grabbing whatever refreshing or enjoyable beverage you have handy. As a last minute game,. I would make sure to bring things for myself so that I don’t slow everything down
- Minis – Okay, so I have little bags and boxes of minis stashed in the library room at home so I can without any time grab some. These provide inspiration, decorations and if playing an actual mapped game, something to put on the map!
- Binder or Folder (empty) – Something to store the notes that are going to be taken with that Pen & Paper up there is going to mean that if this goes from one shot into campaign, or I need to integrate this into another campaign, it’s easy to do.
- Binder or Folder (old and weathered and full) – This is a pure prop of whatever folder or binder of gaming or geeky material sits next to the empty folder. All the better to make the players’ think there is a master plan if I have to wing it entirely OR and actual folder of campaign ideas and adventure prompts! Either way, it wins.
Stat Blocks
Zendead- Here is a map I would like to share. This is a bit bigger then the others I have done in the past.
Joules- Got nothing this week But it is all good.
Gilette Corbadorum
Every once in a while you will need access to someplace you are not supposed to go. Gilette is who you can turn to. Simply put Gilette elides between the fringes of high society, just in enough to be in but not in as to be Universally Recognized, and the dives and dregs, just innocuous enough to slip in without standing out like a polished set of cufflinks. The strange chameleon like ability Gilette has is matched only by the number of people who owe them favors. Need tickets to a ball, or the low down on the latest gang tumble? GIlette can help with both. Invaluable and reliable.
Until you realize why people always owe Gilette favors. You didn’t think twice when you took the helping hand and little bit of information. You were not worried one way or another when all GIlette said was, “I’m sure you’ll square up the account if need be”. You laughed at that. Until the chit was called in. You could see the vaguest hint of a bruise on Gilette’s face, hidden well under the base but the rush job left a few things unfinished. There was no fear or want in Gilette’s eyes – a simple steely look and one phrase triggered the next great adventure you could never tell anyone about. “The Prince has finally been Lost. Go now to the Hidden Glade to Welcome the Emissary”
Opaline adjective opal·ine | \ ˈō-pə-ˌlīn , -ˌlēn\
Definition of opaline
: resembling opal
First Known Use of opaline
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Closing remarks
Zendead- Conan Exiles If you like Conan and you enjoy Minecraft and you have wondered what the two combined might look like then you are in luck. Also look at this game it is hard it is survival fantasy that you can play alone or with a few friends. I am having a blast playing it right now.
Joules- Watch a Shakespeare adaptation like Midsummer Night’s Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, or Othello in a transposed setting
Guard-a-Manger-Chess. It’s been a long time since I played, and I am losing more than I am winning, but playing chess even through an app is getting my brain to think about things in a logical way and is honestly a good humbling experience to get my tail beat around since I am so badly out of practice.
Music is courtesy of The Enigma TNG you can find his music on YouTube or on Bandcamp
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And Thanks to Merriam-Webster and Online Etymology Dictionary for our Lexicon segment
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