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Consent can be a tricky thing if you are not careful.
We will try to help walk you through this very touchy subject. As well as throw some ideas on how to recover from a subject you might have to jump back from.
There is a great short read on this topic go check it out here.
Written by Sean K Reynolds and Shanna Germain
Stat Blocks
Zendead- I got nothing this time
Joules- The Black Grubs
In the realm of nightmares, there are those who stand against the darkness. They defend the small pure areas from the encroaching shadows. Keeping innocence safe. But even the defenders of the pure are not always beacons of light. There are those who choose to damn their own damaged souls to give others a chance at freedom. These are the counterparts to the Butterfly Knights. They actively consort with monsters, demons, and shadows; performing heinous acts for the Bogeyman. All the while, delivering critical intel on the Bogeyman’s operations back to the Butterfly Knights. These brave and selfless children are known as the Black Grubs.
The members of the Black Grubs come from all walks. They can be butterfly knights who are too broken to actively fight. With damaged bodies and damaged souls, they feel they can no longer perform their duties. They can be soulless children, who’s willpower alone keep them walking a path of honour. The lost children, so easily forgotten. Enacting covert operations only to be forgotten once again. As if their valor never existed.
The Black Grubs act as double agents for the Butterfly Knights, allying themselves with the Boogeyman and his minions, all the while turning over Closetland’s secrets and defenses to the knights. Some enact suicide missions, their deaths allowing the rescue of many. The most clever will actively “attack” Butterfly Knight strongholds and supply lines, relaying the weaknesses uncovered back to Kendra, leader of the Butterfly Knights. Doing this has a two fold effect. It allows new Knight recruits to gain experience and allows Kendra to strengthen their defenses.
Those that join the Black Grubs do not expect to live very long. And every member is keenly aware of this. When they join, their true names are cast away. They take on an appropriate Closetland moniker. And to keep their soul from falling into the hands of the Bogeyman, they perform a child version of last rites. The child inscribes an image of a grub on the back of the Butterfly Knights’ shrine of Heroes and Brave People. They then inscribe a butterfly over their hearts using their own tears. This is the greatest mercy afforded to a Black Grub. This rite ensures that if the child is killed, their soul is utterly destroyed. It is the Black Grub’s final act of defiance and glory. The Bogeyman loses his prize, that which he desires most.
So if you ever enter the butterfly fields in Closetland, visit the shrine. And recite the inscribed words of honor to commemorate the fallen Butterfly Knights. And shed a tear for those whose names will never be known, but whose sacrifice saved the world.
distaff adjective dis·taff | \ ˈdi-ˌstaf \
Definition of distaff (Entry 1 of 2)
1: FEMALE sense 1
distaff executives
2: MATERNAL sense 2
the distaff side of the family
distaff noun plural distaffs\ ˈdi-ˌstafs , -ˌstavz \
Definition of distaff (Entry 2 of 2)
1a: a staff for holding the flax, tow, or wool in spinning
b: woman’s work or domain
2: the female branch or side of a family
First Known Use of distaff
circa 1633, in the meaning defined at sense 2
before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a
History and Etymology for distaff
Middle English distaf, from Old English distæf, from dis- (akin to Middle Low German dise bunch of flax) + stæf staff
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Closing remarks
Zendead- Carnival Row
Joules-Dr Stone (Crunchyroll and Manga)
nulloperations- The Umbrella Academy (Netflix)
Music is courtesy of The Enigma TNG you can find his music on YouTube or on Bandcamp
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Joules- Email, Twitter, Facebook
Nulloperations- Email, Twitter, Facebook
Guard-a-manger- Email, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
And Thanks to Merriam-Webster and Online Etymology Dictionary for our Lexicon segment
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